Create React Projects

Let's build a react project from scratch


  • Code Editor (VS Code or other)

  • Node.js (an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment)

    • Install Node.js

    • node -v (check version in command line)

  • (react documentation)

React is a core library

  • Attachments with React are:

    • react-dom (for web app)

    • react-native (for mobile app)

Building React

  • npm: Node Package Manager

  • npx: Node Package Execuiter (running without installing in a local machine)

  • create-react-app: Utility (means Software)

How to install and run React in a basic way

Follow the following steps:

  1. npx create-react-app project-name

  2. cd project-name

  3. npm run start

How to understand react projects:

  • Always start reading with package.json

    • You will see the Project name, version, dependencies, scripts, browserslist, etc.

How to install and run React with Vite (The fastest way to install React)

Note: Vite is a bundler.

Follow the following steps:

  1. npm create vite@latest

  2. Project Name

  3. Select a Framework > React

  4. Select a variant > JavaScript

Congrats your project is ready :)

  1. Go to the project folder: cd project-name

  2. Install node modules folder: npm install or npm i

  3. Run your project: npm run dev

Note: devDependencies is used during development, it does not go with production-ready apps.

Clean up the basic React folder:

  • Update your file according to your projects.

  • Most of the time we work on the src folder.

    • Let's delete the unnecessary files:

      • setupTest.js

      • reportWebVitals.js

      • logo.svg

      • App.text.js

      • index.css

      • App.css

      • Clean up the index.js, and App.js.

        • Your index.js looks like this:

            import React from 'react';
            import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
            import App from './App';
            const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
                    <App />
        • Your App.js looks like this:

            function App() {
              return <h1>Chai aur React | Mark</h1>
            export default App;

Clean Vite React Folder:

  • Go to the src folder:

    • Let's delete the unnecessary files and folders:

      • assets folder

      • App.css

      • index.css

    • Clean up the main.jsx, and App.jsx

      • Your main.jsx looks like this:

          import React from 'react'
          import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
          import App from './App.jsx'
            <App />
      • Your App.jsx looks like this:

          function App() {
            return <h1>Chai aur React with Vite | Mark </h1>
          export default App

Watch ReactJS series by Hitesh Choudhary